Bus stops near me schedule
Bus stops near me schedule

bus stops near me schedule

The bus operator must adhere to the schedule from dispatch, which cannot be changed on the day of service.

bus stops near me schedule

When a ride is scheduled, passengers must tell the dispatcher exactly where they are going, including additional stops.Late cancellations will require payment for the missed trip and will be tracked for sanction (see “Late Cancellation Sanction Policy” below).

bus stops near me schedule

  • To cancel a reservation, please call (845) 473-8424 at least 24 hours before the scheduled trip.
  • Residents of the City of Poughkeepsie, traveling within the City limits only can make Dial-A-Ride reservations for the next day or up to 30 days in advance.
  • Same day reservations are allowed within the City of Poughkeepsie for $7.00 on a space available basis.
  • Dispatchers will accept reservations up to 30 days in advance and no later than 3 days before the desired date of service between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday (you must have an approved registration on file before making a reservation).
  • Passengers must call for reservations at (845) 473-8424 as early as possible when in need of transit services.
  • Passengers should plan activities so that reservations may be made ahead of time.
  • Reservations for Dial-A-Ride and Flex Service When schedule allows, bus operators will make scheduled additional stops and/or trips within a municipality, however each additional stop will constitute a new fare.

    Bus stops near me schedule